Recently I spoke with a group of ladies about the power of BELIEF!  Our belief system is based on things we learned through what was taught to us during childhood, societal messages, and what our brain chooses to respond to.  Our beliefs can also adapt over time to new stimuli!

How Your Belief System can Lead to Failure or Success


Let’s think about these concepts another way.  Why is it that two people can be presented the SAME exact information and placed under very similar circumstances in order to implement the new information that they learn and one person will quickly believe that the goal is achievable and the other does not?  One will also blast through obstacles to achieve the goal because they believed from the beginning that they are capable of achieving and even surpassing their goal.

This week I’m going to engage in an activity to reactivate my own belief system and I’d love it if you also joined me.  For just one week, let’s write down one of our most important goals in a journal and each day of the week we’ll jot down the steps we did that day to lead to accomplishing the goal.  In my opinion, belief is tied to action.  So, if we truly believe that we can accomplish a goal we will also take necessary action to bring it to fruition.

“But I don’t even know where to begin, Ebonie!”

“I don’t even know which goal is realistic to obtain because I’m just so busy these days!”

“Things NEVER slow down for me, Ebonie!”

Girl…. As a healthy lifestyle coach I’ve heard all of these exclamations before!  Don’t think you are the ONLY one who finds it difficult to articulate your goals on paper.  In order to enhance your belief it is TOTALLY possible to achieve your goals with the best tools and support system.  I’ve even had difficult moments where I was stumped on what to write down.

However, what I have learned during the process of facilitating my 30-Day “Be More Don’t Settle” online program is that I am usually my own limitation.  If I don’t believe in myself most others won’t believe in me either.  As a matter of fact, most people aren’t even thinking about me.  They’re thinking about their OWN lives.  I have to remember this as I decide to act on my beliefs or not.

Today, we’re going to revisit some questions I asked in an earlier blog.

7 Simple Questions that will Give you a Breakthrough:


1) Is the life you’re living worth what you are giving up to have it?

2) Are you doing what you want in life?

3) Are you living the personal life that you want?

4) Are you doing enough of the little things that make you happy?

5) Are you spending enough time with the people that make you happy?

6) Are you making the best use of the limited time you have?

7) And if things aren’t going great, what’s at least one thing you can do to start making a change today?

The next time you’re stumped on how to motivate yourself into action think back on these questions and ask yourself if you’ve put in enough belief coupled with action.  This will help you discover WHO you want to be and how you want to show up in this world rather than settling!

I believe in you.  Do you believe in yourself yet?

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends who may need some words of encouragement!

To Our Health & Happiness,

