Imagine smiling from ear to ear just to be alive in this world of so much opportunity! Do you mostly see and experience darkness or light in your world? Do you ever radiate and exude JOY? Do you remember what it’s like? Do you remember the last time you actually felt JOY? Do you remember the last time when you CHOSE joy? The key word here is “CHOSE”! As a healthy lifestyle coach who is operating in her gift I choose to exude JOY when I’m working in solitude and when I’m connecting with women all around the world teaching them how to also operate in her God-given gift.
I find that I’m naturally a peaceful, simple person and I gravitate toward other peaceful people. I also gravitate toward people who inspire me to be my best, not for their own selfish reasons but because they actually want me to be my best. I keep these people close because they help bring out the light that so many people get to observe every single day!
Toxic People Can Look Like This
So, what about toxic people? Are there toxic people in my life? The big fat answer to that is YES. There are people in my life where I feel that I am more at peace when I’m not around them and when I don’t have to speak to them often. These are usually people who are generally good human beings, but they don’t bring out my best life. Actually, they drain my energy.
When I’m browsing social media I see people talking about “stay away from toxic people” and “toxic people suck”. I’m discussing toxic people today because I think that sometimes people also assume toxic people walk around with a red cape and pitch fork in their hands and cuss you out (hahaha). I believe that toxic people can include anyone who you feel worse and not yourself when you’re around them. This could be due to personality clashes, general clashes in perceptions of life, or even because they’re just really good at pushing your buttons without offering resolutions. Does this make the person a bad person? I don’t think that’s always the case. I prefer to think that we’re all generally good human beings, but some of us just don’t mesh well with each other. I also believe that some people are a product of their life circumstances and the stories they tell themselves based on their fears and insecurities. They may consciously and unconsciously project those stories onto others. Actually, we ALL do it sometimes.
Our Emotions Impact our Choices
So, how do toxic people in our circle affect our health? They affect our health because our emotions sometimes drive and impact our food choices, our consistency at exercising, our desire to engage in self-development, our desire to show our true authentic self, and ability to grow. Since I prefer to live a healthy life full of simplicity, meaning and purpose it’s important for me to limit my interactions with toxic people, places, and ideas. I find that I’m able to operate in my gift better when I’m more of myself and around people who challenge me but do not drain me. I also regularly observe and attempt to set boundaries, particularly when I’m not in the mood to put on an act and absorb negative energy.
I think we can all agree that none of us are perfect. We are all struggling with challenges that impact our mood and motivation to be our best selves. So, why would we choose to hang around people and environments that pull us backwards rather than propelling us forward? Are we allowing these people in our space or do we have a choice?
After joining my Nutrition 4 Busy Women Facebook group where we strive to be our best selves every day and feed our bodies, minds, and souls with LOVE take a moment today and think about the people in your environment. Are these people in your circle building you up? Are they tearing you down? Are they speaking LIFE into you? Maybe these people actually ARE a positive influence in your life and you just don’t appreciate it. Maybe they’re just meant to be in your life for a season. So, take a real close look and ask yourself if you’re better off with these people being in your life or if they deserve to be loved from afar so that you can thrive in your true authenticity! I’ll do it with you too!
Thanks for reading!
I believe in our UNIQUE Greatness!
To Our Health & Happiness,
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