I finally stopped procrastinating! You see as a holistic healthy lifestyle coach, I’m used to being asked various questions pertaining to becoming healthy from the inside out, but on this particular morning within a thirty minute time span, not one, not two, but several ladies contacted me asking to collaborate so that we can work together to ROCK this world! I knew I couldn’t procrastinate any longer! You see, I had this amazing idea  to connect with some awesome ladies for ONE whole month straight and kept procrastinating because I was stuck in what was a comfortable way of doing things.  One day recently I decided to reach out to these women and finally implement the idea that had been brewing in my mind and the results were fabulous!  One lady said that she was so thankful that someone like me reached out to her.  This is a  project I had been thinking about for far too long and not doing anything about it, except for JUST sitting pretty and thinking.

I wonder how many more women I could have collaborated with who would have responded similarly if I had stopped thinking and started to act on my idea earlier?  I wonder if I would have also been further ahead in my own healthy lifestyle journey?  None of that really matters now.  What matters is that I finally decided to switch things up and make a bigger impact on the world!  I’ll tell you more about this exciting project in a future blog post or in my motivating Nutrition 4 Busy Women Facebook group (hint, hint).

How I Stopped Procrastinating

Every single time I set a goal and reflect on the steps I need to take in order to experience productive action I am much more likely to propel myself to the next level.  As a holistic healthy lifestyle coach it’s important to me to keep pushing myself to the next level so that I can be more equipped to help women around the world!  Sometimes I supersede my goals and other times I learn that there is a better way to achieve my goal with simple tweaks.  Taking action doesn’t always mean I will WIN the way I anticipated.  But internally I will always win because each failure is just a stepping stone to the next level of success.

That’s how we must approach building ourselves up.  We must take each new step as a building block to the next.  We must not think about all of the things that can go wrong, but rather think about all of the things that can go right.  This is what I tell myself anytime I’m beginning something brand new that is moving me outside of my comfort zone.

If I sit and dwell on conditions to be perfect before I move, I will never accomplish anything, or at least not much.  Procrastination sometimes creeps in when I dwell too heavily on how to make things perfect.  It’s part of my personality to take early action and when I procrastinate on certain things I tend to dislike the process.  I get stressed and am not as focused on the task at hand.

The funny thing is that I can definitely be a procrastinator when it comes to things that are not important to me or what seems significant to my big picture.  If I’m not interested in doing something I will put it off for days and sometimes months.  This tends to also be the case when I speak to ladies about their health.  So, when ladies tell me that they will wait to improve their health I wonder where the motivation will come from.

Will it come from going to the doctor’s office to discover they now have diabetes, cancer, or some other chronic health condition?  Will it come from their child calling them lazy and being unable to keep up with them in the park?  Will it come from standing in the dressing room and realizing they went up three dress sizes since last Spring?  Will it come from being sick and tired of feeling fatigued and lacking energy every day because they refuse to include more vegetables and water in their diet?

Everyone’s motivation is different.  What motivates me doesn’t necessarily motivate everyone and I like to keep that in mind when I’m developing online courses like the 30-Day Bust-Through Mindset course I developed so that women all around the world can learn just how fun and exciting life can be once they make up their mind to take the steps to fulfillment.   I’m thrilled when ladies have an opportunity to discover why healthy living is essential to their ability to thrive in this life and then share the message with others.

I can talk all day long about how I love to look great in fashionable, cute, comfortable trendy clothes or how I HATE the feeling of low-energy and being stressed out, or how I’d MUCH rather spend my money traveling the world than on purchasing prescription medication.  But if the woman on the receiving end just wants to lose weight because she’s sick of her kids calling her names because of her weight, then she’s not going to adapt to a healthy lifestyle for the reasons I have chosen for myself.  She’s going to begin a healthy lifestyle for the reasons she has chosen for herself.

So, my question to you today is are you comfortable going the rest of your life with the lifestyle you have chosen for yourself?  If yes, then I encourage you to live that path.  If no, then I encourage you to reach out to a mentor like myself who has been trained in holistic health and nutrition and simplify the process so that it becomes one that is enjoyable and not a mundane chore.  If you’re not ready yet that’s ok too.  Just know that every day that you decide to delay your goals it’s one less day that you have to grow into the person you were placed on this earth to be.

Thanks for reading!

To Our Health & Happiness,

