Learn where to buy the secret ingredient which the Ayurvedic system of medicine associates with the cure and prevention of about 300 diseases.
Recipes include: Mango Mania, Coolin’ Kale, Oh So Sweet Cantaloupe, Smooth Blue, and more!
I dispel popular myths about choosing fruit. Did you know pulling a leaf from the crown of a ripe pineapple has nothing to do with its ripeness? Did you know the stem of a cherry can tell you how fresh it is?
Discover the secret ingredient for your smoothies that contains all 8 essential amino acids, over 40 antioxidants, 4 X more calcium than milk, 7 X more Vitamin C than oranges, 3 X more iron than almonds, and 40% your daily value of protein per serving.
Make the most of your shopping trips AND the produce in your kitchen!
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